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  • Writer's pictureAlyona Kosobokova

Reflection: Interstellar Sailing Ships

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Artist’s rendering of a light sail, constructed to use the sun as source. Image Credit: NASA


The article considers different ways to accelerate the spacecraft to relativistic speeds. Light and electric sails are described as better alternatives to carrying fuel.

Both structures unfold after deployment and use photons (light), protons (electric) energy to accelerate the spaceship. Paper points out that significant technological advancements, as well as optimal conditions, are required for interstellar travel to become reality. Nevertheless, the author seems very optimistic about sailing space vessels eventually paving new ways of exploring the Universe!

Very thin, bare wires construct the large E-Sail, that would repel the fast moving solar protons.Credits: NASA


Most of the focus is placed on a light sail model, as we have a broader understanding of its astrophysical sources. Before we can pack our bags and go on the exciting space journey there are numerous constraints to be researched. We have to learn how to navigate astrophysical conditions like sources' luminosity and peak brightness time, as well as the environmental or interstellar medium, constrains, like the presence of ambient gas and dust grains in space.

I have been fascinated by light sails for a long time now! Electric sails are also cool.

Artist’s rendering of ESTCube-1, which was the first satellite launched with an electric sail. Credit: Taavi Torim


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