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What is Consciousness? Critical Brain Hypothesis
What is Human Consciousness? Critical Brain Hypothesis Overview. References: Beggs, J., Plenz D., (2003). Neuronal Avalanches in...
Multimodal AI with silly cats
Let's have a little fun looking at Multimodal Artificial Intelligence together. I invite you to my dorky study world!
Orch OR. What is Consciousness?
This video summarizes Orch OR theory by Roget Penrose and Stuart Hameroff. According to Orch OR, consciousness consists of self-organized...
Quantum Random Number Generator
True randomness is an extremely interesting mathematical, physical, philosophical, and even poetic discussion. As known, classical...
What the Quantum?
Part 1: Experimental & Computational Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Authors: Alona Kosobokova (Astrophysics student), Anurag Sahoo (AI...
IBM Q Quantum Computing
I started my quantum computing learning journey last year and finally decided to share some materials. Step One: Linear Algebra quick...
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